If you’re leading a healthy lifestyle, close to your ideal weight, yet have stubborn fat in isolated areas, injectable dissolving might be suitable.
Commonly treated areas include double chins, moobs, bra and underarm pouches, upper arms, saddlebags, inner thighs, ‘cankles’, and the abdomen, including defining a six-pack. The jowl area can also be sculpted with Cincelar+.
If you carry significant weight in the target area, fat dissolving might not be suitable, but we offer other body contouring treatments. If you’ve recently lost significant weight, the concern may be loose skin, which we can improve with skin tightening treatments.
A consultation with our highly trained therapist will determine the correct treatment plan for you.
Fat dissolving is not suitable if you:
- Have diabetes
- Have liver or kidney disease
- Have an active skin problem in the area to be treated
- Are taking blood-thinning medicine, e.g., warfarin.