What is Acne Scarring?
Acne scarring is experienced by approximately 1 in 5 individuals and serves as an unwelcome reminder of previous severe acne and may persist even after the disappearance of any type of blemish, particularly if they have been picked or squeezed. This often leads to heightened stress, anxiety, negative self-image, and diminished self-esteem.
More severe and noticeable forms of acne, such as nodules and cysts, often contribute to the development of acne scars.
There are three primary types of acne scars:
Ice pick scars – small, deep indentations on the skin’s surface resembling punctures from a sharp object.
Rolling scars – caused by the formation of bands of scar tissue beneath the skin, resulting in a rolling and uneven appearance on the skin’s surface.
Boxcar scars – round or oval depressions, resembling craters, in the skin.